Acceptance or rejection of social custom of the society , as a rule, is the result of its utility. At that time , the custom loses its utility it loses its currency. But a cursory review of the history of the evolution of social customs will reveal that many cruel and irrational customs have survived even the general disapproval of society. This is due to the fact that these customs create vested interests that thrive on their tireless observance.Social reformers and great thinkers have tried from time to time to explain to people the irrationality and unsuitability of some social customs . Christ , Socrates , Galileo , Buddha, Kabir and Gandhi taught us to break the shackles of meaningless customs and develop new ones based on reason. But their teachings were ignored people.hatever, may have been the merits , advantages and suitability and advantage of these social customs in meeting the needs of the community at a particular point in time , we can say without fear of contradiction even from staunch conservatives that some of them are not only irrational, outdated and hopelessly meaningless, but a ruthless and tyrannical , but also require to be changed and modified , if not completely abandoned , in the context of today life.Tales tyranny of Indian social customs are innumerable. Dowry system , taboo attached to inter-caste and widow remarriage , the practice of untouchability and purdah system several convincing examples . It is because of the dowry system that girls are considered economic liability , unwanted and worse. Many families have been destroyed and many young girls have committed suicide because of this cruel and evil custom of dowry. It played havoc with the lives of young girls and boys. Many young girls were forced to stay married, because their parents were unable to pay dowry for their marriage. There are occasions when the couple girls were killed by their husbands and relatives because they had not brought enough dowry with them. Copies of many to show that young boys and girls were forced to commit suicide as a result of a taboo against intercaste marriages that attract strong social disapproval . Our social custom does not allow widow remarriage.
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